Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Health - You Don't Really Think About It Until You Don't Have It

This year has brought a few really frustrating health issues for me. I'm usually a pretty healthy person, so, now that I think about just how many issues have affected me for more than one week, or somethings more than a month this year, I feel a little stumped. They have really brought me down emotionally. Feeling bad days in a row can really affect you!
First, I struggled with dizzyness for two months. It debilitated me to the point that I needed to lie down at least twice during the middle of the day. Conveniently, I was unemployed during most of that time and had the luxury of being able to do so. By the time I finally had a doctor's appointment with a specialist, it had ended, but it was one of the most frustrating health issues I've ever faced.
Earlier this fall, I struggled with chronic fatigue for at least a month. I was thrilled when I finally found the cause and eliminated it, only to now be struggling with headaches almost daily and a little more fatigue.
All this to say that I feel terrible for the multiple obligations and activities these issues have caused me to miss. We clearly don't truly appreciate our health until we don't have it at 100% for days on end! These struggles have definitely had me crying out to God quite a lot. I'm just holding on and trusting that He will reveal the cause and bring relief in His perfect timing.
Don't take your health for granted, ya'll! If you know there are changes you can and should make to be healthier, I encourage you to make them now, instead of later. We are never promised tomorrow - tomorrow may be too late.

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